Core Subjects
Additional Subjects
Key Stage 3 Astronomy - Years 7 & 8
We currently run, as a part of Key Stage 3 science, an Astronomy course for all our students.
All students have the opportunity to spend one lesson every two week cycle making use of our State of the Art Planetarium. In these lessons our students learn about life, Planets, Stars and our place in the Universe.
In this unique course, tailored for our students here at Winston, we seek to expand our students horizons beyond the standard curriculum and inspire a deeper interest in science by exploiting this amazing asset.
Key Stage 4 Astronomy - Years 10 & 11
As our current cohort progresses through the years, we aim to introduce the Astronomy GCSE and expand our Science offering, here at Winston.
Taking this GCSE will provide a comprehensive grounding in Astronomy: from the history of Astronomy and telescope design to navigation using the constellations in the night sky; And, from understanding how stars live and die to our current understanding of the origins of the Universe itself.
However, taking Astronomy GCSE does far more than just provide a grounding in this fascinating field. Taking the Astronomy GCSE directly complements all of the science disciplines by developing our students skills in problem solving and logical thinking. It also directly enhances our students capabilities with both their Maths and Physics skills, all culminating in providing our students with the best opportunities to succeed, not just academically, but in life.
If you would like to experience our Planetarium yourself please go to, where you will find details of our regular film showings and monthly lectures.