Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
Core Subjects
Additional Subjects
In accordance with legislation, the school has developed a policy on special educational needs which embodies the statutory Code of Practice as it stands at the moment. There are proposals in a SEN and Disability Green Paper which are being tested in selected areas; therefore the policy will be updated when appropriate. The current policy is founded on the following principles:
Identification and Assessment Procedures
When students transfer to The Winston Churchill School from primary or secondary schools and their names are recorded on Special Needs Registers, consideration is given to recording them at the same stage on our register of special needs.
If concerns arise at this school, teaching staff report students’ difficulties to the SENCO and members of the Learning Support team. If necessary, suitable strategies are put in place and parents and students are consulted during this process.
Students who are recorded on the school’s Special Needs Register will have appropriate intervention through which their progress is monitored and reviewed regularly.
All students with special needs, including those with disabilities, are taught a balanced and broadly based curriculum within the mainstream classes. Additional in-class support is provided where appropriate.
SEN students are sometimes withdrawn from one modern foreign language at Key Stage 3 or option at Key Stage 4 for additional support.
A group of selected, identified students in year 7 are taught as a transition / foundation group whereby they have approximately half their curriculum taught by the Foundation teacher. Students who have Learning Support lessons in KS3 have support with developing their literacy and numeracy skills as well organisational skills and study skills.
Disabled Access
Disabled students have access by means of ramps and lifts to all the specialist teaching areas and most of the classrooms and there are specialist toilet facilities with hoists throughout the school. Some adaptations have been made in the food technology department including a rise and fall sink and hob. Other improvements include automatic doors, a lift to the history department and evacu-chairs.
Links with other Agencies
There is regular contact and consultation with a range of support services through the local STEPS Team which includes an Educational Psychologist, Education Welfare Officer, advisory teachers from Physical and Sensory Support, Learning and Language and Behaviour Support. The school also liaises with physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists where required.