Core Subjects
Additional Subjects
Latin is studied by students in the Grammar stream in Years 8 & 9, working towards the opportunity to achieve a Latin Language Level 1 qualification at the end of Key Stage 3. These students are given the opportunity to continue their study into GCSE Latin, which develops their understanding of the language through analysis of Classical literature.
Students follow the Cambridge Latin Course in Key Stage 3, a lively, successful course studied by many pupils who have gone on to achieve excellent examination results.
Students study Latin grammar and vocabulary through a series of stories. In Year 8 they follow the loves of a typical merchant family in Pompeii leading up to the eruption of Vesuvius. Through learning the grammar there is an emphasis placed on the influence of the Latin language on English and other Modern languages, as well as how an understanding of Latin can allow them a deeper access to subjects such as history, geography, religion, science and art, among others.
Additional opportunities include participation in in the Latin Reading Competition organised by the Guildford Classical Association as well as university taster days.