Art & Design
Core Subjects
Additional Subjects
The Art department’s main philosophies are to develop visual skills through direct observation. We offer differentiated work and options for outcomes to guarantee success for all. Students are encouraged to develop independent and original ideas and this is reflected in the range of outcomes they produce. Paintings, sculpture, print and mixed materials/media are offered for all Key Stages.
We aim to offer a positive, lively and creative environment. Teachers are trained specialists and practitioners who are all fully involved in the planning and delivery of the curriculum for all Key Stages. Students are provided with sketchbooks and are encouraged to present their work creatively - to record observations, research, experimentation, development of ideas, reviews and evaluations.

Key Stage 3 - Years 7 to 9
In Years 7-9 students study a range of topics that constantly introduce new skills and build upon prior knowledge.
Year 7
- Formal Elements
- Natural Environment
- 3D Sea creature clay relief tile
- The Human Senses
Year 8
- Pop Art (3D Food Outcomes)
- Street Art Portraits
Year 9
- Pop Art (3D Food Outcomes)
- Street Art Portraits
Key Stage 4 - Years 10 & 11
Year 10
- Organic/Mechanic (Food outcomes)
Year 11
- Organic/Mechanic (Extended unit)
- Exam
We offer Art, Craft and Design and the examination board is AQA. Students produce a range of experimental work through drawing, painting, printing and mixed materials. They produce exciting and rich sketchbooks full of visual research and produce a final piece for each unit. Students also research a range of critical artist links to inform and inspire their personal work.
Art and Design and Art Textiles Coursework consists of 2 Units of work:
Unit 1: Organic/Mechanic Food
Unit 2: Organic/Mechanic Extended unit
Unit 3: Exam theme set by Exam Board
Coursework = 60% and Exam = 40%
GCSE Assessment Objectives
AO1 Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.
AO2 Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.
AO3 Record ideas, observation and insight relevant to their intentions in visual and /or other forms.
AO4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful response, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.
Extra Curricular
G&T (Years 7 & 8) Week 1 & 2 Tuesday 2.55 pm- 3.55 pm Mrs Baillie