Admissions - In Year Transfers

In Year Transfers
If you wish to apply for admission for any year group other than Year 6/7 transfer please refer to the current Admissions Criteria 2024-25 . To make your application you will need to read the CMA guidance, complete the CMA In-year Centrally Managed Application (CMA) form and return it, with your evidence, to Surrey County Council at the address provided on the form. Please do not send your CMA form or supporting evidence to the school. Alternatively, you can make your application online at the Surrey School Admissions Portal Synergy - Enquiry ( We encourage you to use the online system.
The School will aim to notify applicants of the outcome in writing, via email, within ten school days of receipt of the application from Surrey County Council. Please ensure you use a current email address on your application.
Please check the admissions criteria (see above) for any Supplementary Forms or evidence you may be required to send in to support your application.
You should be aware that we are generally an over-subscribed school and we may not be able to offer a place. The Winston Churchill School maintains its own waiting lists, you must return your 'Waiting List Reply Slip' to the school if you wish to be added to the list. Waiting lists are ranked according to the school's admissions criteria, not the date the application was received or when the child's name was added to the list. Your child's position on a waiting list can go down as well as up. This is because other children who have greater priority against the school's admission criteria may be added to the list (for example, a child who moves into the area).
Waiting lists are automatically cleared at the end of every term, if you wish to remain on the waiting list you must email before the start of the new term.
If you are not offered a place, and you wish to appeal please see Appeals section below
It should be pointed out that if your child has an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) and you wish to appeal, you need to apply through the Local Authority for admission as such cases cannot be heard at the school.
Please note that due to the volume of applications received, we are unable to offer ad hoc or individual tours. You can find our virtual tour videos here
The Surrey County Council Appeals Service administers the appeal process for The Winston Churchill School.
If you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place at The Winston Churchill School and you wish to lodge an appeal, please visit the Surrey Schools Appeals website for further information and guidance.
Please note the grounds for appeal must be made in writing and should be made within 20 school days of the date on your letter, the appeal papers are available from the Surrey Schools Appeals Service.
Telephone: 020 8541 8092
Information on appeal dates can be found here: School admission appeals timetable
If you have any enquiries about admissions at The Winston Churchill School, please contact our Admissions office via email: or telephone 01483 485289 (term time only)