Specialist Academic Applications
If applying for a Specialist Place for 2026, the Supplementary Information Form should be returned to school between 1st and 30th September 2025.
If you are currently living outside of the Winston priority area (see right/below), but your son or daughter displays a high standard of academic ability you can apply for one of our 26 Year 7 intake specialist academic places. To be eligible to take the test the student must live outside of our priority area
The test measures the student's verbal, non verbal and mathematical skills. The tests, which are computer based, are taken at The Winston Churchill School in early October in the year prior to admission.
Results of the tests will be returned to parents before the October half term break in advance of the deadline for secondary school place applications.
Specialist Applications
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It is important that the normal process of applying through Surrey County Council for a school place is followed. Details can be found on Surrey County Council website or hard copies of the schools admissions booklet and application forms can be obtained from Surrey County Council by calling: Tel: 0300 200 1004.
In addition to applying through Surrey County Council, if you are applying for a specialist place at Winston, you will be required to fill in a supplementary information form (see above under Specialist Applications) and return this directly to our Admissions Department at The Winston Churchill School within the date window given above, so that the testing can be arranged- please see the Supplementary Information form for full details.
Please Note: Surrey County Council will allocate parents/carers their highest preferred school to which a place can be offered and therefore, if your preference is for your child is to attend The Winston Churchill School above any other school, you should ensure the school is listed as your first preference.
The awarding of Specialist Academic Criteria is not an offer of a place