Core Subjects
Additional Subjects
Thank you for visiting The Winston Churchill School Music Department webpage. Music is a central and thriving part of our school, with our engaging curriculum enhanced by our extensive extracurricular provision. Please have a look at the different areas of the department below to find out what we offer, what we have coming up, and what we have been up to.

About Us
The Music Department is housed in three specialist music classrooms where students are able to engage in a range of musical activities. Each classroom is fully equipped with a class set of keyboards and hand percussion. The department also has:
• iMac suite
• Recording Studio
• a suite of practice rooms
• a class set of tuned percussion
• a class set of guitars
• a class set of African drums
• 3 class sets of ukuleles
• orchestral instruments - available for loan
Radio Woking & Studio Hire
In addition we also have our own radio station, Radio Woking. Find out more about Radio Woking and how to hire our recording studio.

Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding music at Winston please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Music Department team using the email addresses below:
Mr Chris Drake
Director of Music
Mrs Connie Antony
Assistant Director of Music
Miss Nikki Ashworth
Teacher of Music
Miss Hayley Shlackman
Teacher of Music
Mr Matt Elliott
Music Graduate Teacher

KS4 Curriculum Information and Results
At Winston we are going against the national trend as our Key Stage 4 numbers have grown considerably over the last 4 years whilst nationally they are falling.
There are two options for Music in KS4, GCSE Music and VCert Music Technology
GCSE Music
At Winston students entering Key Stage 4 are able to opt for GCSE Music. We study the Edexcel GCSE course in which students are required to compose, perform and analyse music. Students receive 5 hours-worth of lessons over our 2-week timetable and are able to access additional support during our GCSE/VCert Coursework Club.
GCSE music results at Winston are outstanding.
2022 results - 100% 9-4 (100% 9-5) and 65% 9-7
2021 results - 100% 9-4 (94% 9-5) and 50% 9-7
2020 results - 100% 9-4 (94% 9-5) and 65% 9-7
2019 results - 97% 9-4 (94% 9-5) and 35% 9-7
Useful links:-
RSL Award in Music Technology
At Winston students entering Key Stage 4 are able to opt for the RSL Award in Music Tech. Students are required to compose using music technology, record live music, and create video soundtracks as part of the course. Students receive 5 hours-worth of lessons over our 2-week timetable and are able to access additional support during our KS4 Coursework Club.
2022: 100% L2M-D (equivalent to 6-8)
2021: 100% L2 Pass, Merit or Distinction (equivalent to GCSE grade 9-4)
At Winston students in years 7-9 receive at least 2 hours-worth of music over our 2-week timetable. Students study a range of topics and different styles during Key Stage 3, which focus on introducing and building key skills in composing, performing and analysing music. Students are encouraged to work on different instruments during Key Stage 3 so that they experience a broad, varied and engaging curriculum.
- Year 7 :-
- A Musical Introduction
- Ground Bass Music
- Mini Bands
- Rewrite Ode To Joy
- Disco
- Hip-hop/Rap
- Year 8:-
- 4 Chord Hits
- Minimalism
- The Blues
- The Planets
- Folk
- Computer Game Music
- Year 9:-
- Carmina Burana
- Reggae
- Film Music
- West-African Drumming
Year 7 Music Groups:
Students who have been learning an instrument before coming to Winston are placed in one of our specialist music groups in Year 7. This allows us to create a bespoke curriculum for these students, ensuring that their previous understanding and learning is built upon.
If you are currently living outside of the Winston catchment area but you play an instrument or sing to a high standard you can apply for one of our 15 music scholarships. Auditions for these will take place in early October. Students are required to perform one or two pieces of at least Grade 1 standard (the pieces do not have to be from a graded exam book), to complete a short aural test, and to give a short presentation about their musical experiences. Successful applicants will be informed of the decision to award a music scholarship before the secondary school application deadline.
To find out more please take a look at Music - Specialist Applications
Instumental Lessons
At Winston we are pleased to be able to offer a large range of peripatetic music lessons. The lessons are delivered by a combination of private instrumental teachers, Surrey Arts tutors and from September 2018 our Music Graduate, Miss Shlackman. The lessons are of an extremely high quality with our students consistently gaining excellent results in graded exams. Many of our instrumental teachers are also able to provide instrumental lessons for primary school students. These lessons take place in the Music Department after the end of the school day. Please contact the relevant teacher below who will be able to arrange lessons for you.
Piano Lessons:
- Sally Heath - - 07811 482182
- Stephen Finch - - 07557 047232
- Alison Husted - - 07746 135200
Violin Lessons:
- Sally Heath - - 07811 482182
Woodwind Lessons:
- Alison Husted - [Flute, Clarinet & Saxophone]
Brass Lessons:
- Surrey Arts - email: [Trumpet, Eb Horn & beginner Trombone]
- Mr Charlie Tottman - [Contemporary Guitar]
- Mr Daniel Beale - [Classical Guitar]
Drumkit Lessons:
- Gary Tough -
Voice Lessons:
- Mrs Katherine Williams -
- Shannon Badger -
Ensembles & Clubs
If you have any questions regarding music at Winston please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Music Department team (please see the Contact Us section above):
Big Band
Upper School Choir
A Cappella Group
Session Band
Junior Session Band
Brass & Sax Ensemble
Flute & Clarinet Ensemble
Percussion Group
String Ensemble
Guitar & Ukulele Group
Keyboard Ensemble
Rock n Pop Club
Band Space
Music Tech Club
Ska Band
Carol Players (Autumn Term Only)
In addition we also run rehearsals in preparation for our whole school musical performances in the Spring:
Musical Pit Band
Musical Singing rehearsal
Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme
We are pleased to inform you that parents/guardians of students at Winston are able to buy musical instruments VAT free through the 'Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme'.
The rules of the scheme, as laid out by HM Custom & Excise, are:
- The applicant must be a student at the Winston Churchill School
- The chosen instrument must be new (but can be from any supplier)
- The purchased instrument must be for the direct use of the student
- The instrument should be essential for delivering music education to the student
- The instrument should be available for use in school run educational activities (ie: must be portable).
If you wish to know more about the scheme or would like to purchase an instrument through the scheme please contact a member of the music department directly.
Concerts & Events
Throughout the year The Music Department put on a number of music concerts and events, from our large-scale Christmas and Summer Concerts to smaller events like our Spring Recital Evenings. We also join forces with the Drama Department to put on our whole school musical performance in the Spring Term.
Music Tour
The Music Department are very proud to be able to give students the opportunity to perform abroad each year on our annual Music Tour. Whilst away our students give three concerts. They also get to enjoy sightseeing opportunities
Liverpool 2023
In 2023 Winston Music Tours are back! After being unable to run a music tour between 2020- 22 due to the pandemic we are really pleased to be running a Music Tour to Liverpool in July 2023. During the tour students will be performing in different venues around the city as well as enjoying a range of excursions.
Useful links:-