Policy for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
The Winston Churchill School seeks to maximise the life chances of all our students and so it is crucial to prepare our young people for life beyond school and college.
It is important therefore that students leave school aware of themselves as individuals, aware of the opportunities available to them and able to make decisions about their own life. They should be prepared for the transition from full time education to the world beyond. It is to these aspects of personal and social development that this policy will contribute.
The Winston Churchill School believes that good CEIAG connects learning to the future. It motivates young people by giving them a clearer idea of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding. Good CEIAG widens pupils’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations. It provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life. This supports social mobility by improving opportunities for all young people, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs and disabilities.
All CEIAG aims to be impartial, responsive to students’ needs and based on the principle of equality.
- To ensure that all students at the school receive a stable careers programme
- To enable all students to learn from information provided by the career and labour market
- The CEIAG programme should be individual and address the needs of each student
- To link the curriculum learning to careers learning
- To provide students with a series of encounters with employers and employees
- To provide students with experiences of workplace(s)
- To ensure that students have a series of encounters with further and higher education
- To provide each student with the opportunity to receive personal guidance
The school has a series of statutory duties:
- All students at the Winston Churchill School receives independent careers advice and guidance
- This careers advice must be represented in an impartial manner, showing no bias towards a particular institution, education or work option
- This advice covers a range of education and training options, including technical education and apprenticeships
- This guidance must be in the best interests of the students
- Opportunities are made for education and training providers to access students
- We have a clear policy setting out the manner in which external providers will be given access to pupils. (This policy and these arrangements must be published).
- The school will base its careers provision around the Gatsby Benchmarks (also published).
Two Assistant Head teachers are responsible for the careers programme. They work with the careers team including a careers advisor, careers leader/administrator, personal coach, alternative provision coordinator plus the wider team of staff. The effectiveness of the policy is monitored, regular feedback from key stakeholders is collected and the impact measured. Destination data is collected throughout Year 11 and careers support is provided. Following GCSE examination results, confirmed destinations are recorded and analysed in order to further support students if required. This process continues until March of the following year. This process and its findings form the basis of the Careers Development Plan.